Name............. Aminet 6
Publisher........  Schatztruhe 
Price............ Germany: DM 25   
                  USA: $13.95-$19.95   
                  UK: £14.99
                  Sweden: 199kr
                  France: 79Frs
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... 658 MB
Language......... English
Bootable......... No
Filesystem....... ISO9660-2
Requirements..... keyboard, mouse, storage space, (floppy-drive)
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ .............  30%
                  Amiga KS2.1+ .............  70%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ .............  80%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............   5%

Release Date..... 1st Jun 1995

Contents......... New uploads on Aminet from February (Aminet 5) 
                  to end of April (520M) + 500M of demos from various sources,
                  and 20M of top downloads.
                  1800 demos
                  1300 tools
                   350 mods
                   140 pics
                   120 games

                  The demos were collected from various sources besides 
                  Aminet, and almost none of them have appeared on previous 
                  Aminet CDs. The disks also contains all Amiga Report 
                  magazines issued so far. (The last issue is 3.08)

Access Software.. Amigaguide based user interface, allows easy 
                  unpacking and viewing using a single mouse click.

                  Extensive search facilities. Finds words in descriptions 
                  or readmes, and outputs matches as an index that allows 
                  direct viewing.

                  New access features for the following categories of files:

                  - Demos: All demos have been tested. Separate lists of best,
                    good and compatible demos. All demos startable from those 
                    indices. Another demo index is the Amiga Demo List with 
                    extensive info about almost all demos on the CD. It is 
                    sorted by demo group. Finally there is a program called 
                    BootTool that allows you to view demos right after areboot 
                    without much fuss, so you can quickly look at the demos 
                    that force you to reboot.

                  - Mods: All of the modules are listed in indices sorted by 
                    music style and rating. There's also an index sorted by 
                    module author and the possibility to randomly play music 
                    of a certain style.

                  - Docs: All Amiga Report electronic magazines that have 
                    appeared so far are on this CD, including a utility that 
                    allows you to search for any text in any AR article very 

                  - Personal: Aminet CD 6 allows you to easily create an index 
                    of your favourite files on the CD.

                  - German: All the files (except demos) on Aminet CD 6 
                    have a German description. Also included is an index of 
                    the SaarAG disks up to 840.

                  Other improvements are the possibility to use file 
                  requesters to set extraction and tool paths, and 'Clones' 
                  which are little programs that, when started, unpack and 
                  run/view a file from the Aminet CD.

Comments......... A complete index is found on Aminet in 

Testers Opinion.. What can I say? Extremely easy to use, hot 
                  software, MUCH software. Amazing. No Amiga owner with 
                  CDROM should be without the latest Aminet CD. 
                  Rating: 93%                   (AB)

                  "It has to be said, however, that 2000 demos is hard to
                  justify - after all, users only want to see them once and
                  many of them really aren't very impressive. Aminet's superb
                  organisation and sheer breadth of coverage still makes this
                  update appealing, but I'm hoping the seventh disc will
                  concentrate on something rather more worthwhile."
                  Rating: eight out of ten.  (Amiga Computing Sep 95)

Keywords......... Aminet, utilities, pictures, demos, games, PD, 
                  SW, Music, Animations

Sources.......... Urban D. Mueller
                  Blaine Wolf
                  Johan Eriksson

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